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NFT NYC love, Deca artist pages, and more | Cornering The Market #30 Episode 68

NFT NYC love, Deca artist pages, and more | Cornering The Market #30

· 35:25

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Weekly generative art NFT news, beautiful art, and investment opportunities recorded April 20, 2023
This episode can also be found on our Youtube channel here.

Episode Artwork: Every Moment by James Merrill

0:26 | Intro
2:20 | Interested in premium content focused on investing? Email us! Collectorscornernft@gmail.com
3:40 | Market sentiment update
5:20 | Macro update
6:00 | The past 7 days in the blue chip ETH gen art market
8:28 | The past 7 days in the Tezos gen art market
9:15 | Chromie Squiggle update
11:00 | Friendship Bracelet update
11:55 | Release recaps - Seaport Subject, Evolving Pixels, Post Photography Perspectives Day 2
17:02  | Gen art news - NFT NYC was amazing, Deca introduces artist pages, Eclipse.art an open platform platform on ETH
21:28 | Great art at great prices
23:10 | Exciting new drops
27:43 | Artists to highlight
29:10 | Art to watch
32:27 | Art Charts

Show notes:
-- Where to find us --
Collector's Corner Twitter | https://twitter.com/collectors_xyz
Jared's Twitter | https://twitter.com/jared_poz
P's Twitter | https://twitter.com/astamcloud

--Useful links--
Collector's Corner generative art release calendar | https://tinyurl.com/cc-releasecal
NFT price floor | https://nftpricefloor.com/
Fxhash market overview pages | https://www.fxhash.xyz/marketplace?sort=createdAt-desc

--Release Recaps--

Seaport by Botto on Verse | https://verse.works/artworks/5227e19b-c6aa-4d00-b6a9-dff08f8cc1be
Evolving Pixels | https://opensea.io/category/proof-curated-evolving-pixels
Day 2 Fellowship Post Photography Perspectives | https://day2.postphotography.xyz/

--Gen art news--
Deca releases artist pages | Also the ability to purchsae off of these - mega! | https://twitter.com/0xDecaArt/status/1646105084781273088
Eclipse art the first open gen art platform on ETH |  | https://twitter.com/collectors_xyz/status/1648403046966394882

--Great art at great prices--
Obiqua by Protozoo | https://www.fxhash.xyz/generative/slug/obliqua
Materia Fluida  | https://www.fxhash.xyz/generative/26381
Singularity by Cory Haber | https://opensea.io/collection/singularity-by-cory-haber

--Exciting upcoming drops--
Unit London building blocks | https://unitlondon.com/voices/building-blocks/
Refraction by Loren Bendar | https://twitter.com/imgdotart/status/1649132164347228167
DRAUP x Nicholas Sassoon | https://twitter.com/pronounceddrop/status/1648046882688495619

--Artists we want to highlight--
Cory Haber | https://twitter.com/Cory_Haber
Roope Rainisto | https://twitter.com/rainisto

--Collections to watch--
SOL 365 by Cory Haber | https://opensea.io/collection/sol-365
The Great Freeze by Antti Karppinen | https://opensea.io/collection/the-great-freeze-by-antti-karppinen

--Art Charts--
Life in West America by Roope Rainisto | https://artacle.io/project/life-in-west-america?tab=2


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