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Sotheby's auction results, new open L2 art platforms, and more | Cornering The Market #38 Episode 85

Sotheby's auction results, new open L2 art platforms, and more | Cornering The Market #38

· 33:49

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Weekly generative art NFT news, beautiful art, and investment opportunities recorded June 22, 2023

This episode can also be found on our Youtube channel here.

Episode Artwork: Chromie Squiggle #10 by Erick "Snowfro" Calderon

0:24 | Intro
2:22 | Market sentiment update
4:26 | Notable ETH generative art sales
5:36| Updates on fxhash sales
8:39 | Chromie Squiggle update
11:19 | Friendship Bracelet update
13:18 | Release recaps
17:43 | Gen art news - Sotheby's auction results, new open L2 ETH art platforms
24:27 | Great art at great prices
26:25 | Exciting new releases
28:54 | Artists to highlight
30:51 | Art to watch

Show notes:
-- Where to find us --
Collector's Corner Twitter | https://twitter.com/collectors_xyz
Jared's Twitter | https://twitter.com/jared_poz
P's Twitter | https://twitter.com/astamcloud

--Useful links--
NFT price floor | https://nftpricefloor.com/
Fxhash market overview pages | https://www.fxhash.xyz/marketplace?sort=createdAt-desc

--Release Recaps--

Fakewhale CROSS | https://objkt.com/profile/fakewhalecross/created?sort=lowest_ask:asc
Dopamine Machines by Stevie P  | https://artacle.io/project/dopamine-machines

--Gen art news--
L2 open platforms launching | https://www.alba.art/ |
Sotheby's mega auction is June 15th | https://twitter.com/astamcloud/status/1669758636879654912
Goose Ringer Tributes | https://app.joyn.xyz/space/the-goose-remixes-c439c60b7bf0?tab=pieces

--Great art at great prices--
A tender Count(ing) by Lisa Orth | https://opensea.io/collection/a-tender-count-ing-by-lisa-orth
Patrick Amadon's Objkt Glitch Art | https://objkt.com/profile/patrickamadon/created?sort=lowest_ask:asc
Ephemera by MJ Lindow | https://www.fxhash.xyz/marketplace/generative/20386

--Exciting upcoming drops--
Materialized by Andreas Gysin & Sidi Vanetti | https://verse.works/exhibitions/materialized
World Flag by John Gerrard | https://www.artblocks.io/collaborations/artblocksxpace/projects/0xea698596b6009a622c3ed00dd5a8b5d1cae4fc36/6

--Artists we want to highlight--
Yazid | https://twitter.com/Yazid
Patrick Amadon | https://twitter.com/patrickamadon

--Collections to watch--
QWERTY by Tara Donavan | https://opensea.io/collection/qwerty-by-tara-donovan


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